Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Things Are Getting A Lot Better

So first off. I am really doing a lot better here. Things are really starting to click. Me and E´Mayta dont have problems. Things are going pretty good. We had a baptism this week that was really weird. It was planned for 3 o'clock but at 2:30 we called to remind her what to bring and the time and they were in Quevedo. Which is a 20 minute bus ride away. So they said they would leave in a half hour so we called everyone and postponed it till 3:30. Then at 3 they came to the capilla ready to go. So we had to call and try and get another person to come and be a witness and try and get members there in time. Finally we had the baptism. It was the sister of the girl baptized last week that didn't get confirmed. So we were trying to get them to get confirmed this Sunday. but neither showed. So we got our goal for May for baptisms but not for confirmations. Its really weird. But if everything works out right we could get our goal for June in the first weekend.
Our pool is really small right now. Sunday we had 4 places we could go. So we have been tracting a bunch and have quite a few citas for this week.
I put on some pictures of Tricimotos, My favorite random house in the fields, and the baptism.
Elder Mayta thinks he will be transfered this week so we will see. But no matter what im pretty sure it will be interesting to see what happens on sundaynight.
I got the letter Jared wrote at the end of march and sent in the end of april last week. so that was fun to read today.
I dont know what more i really have to say right now but things are going pretty good. Im going to get my first Ecuador jersey today. They are like 7 bucks here in the streets.
Mosiah 1:7
Elder Moore

Mason hasn't explained what these are pictures of exactly... Oh well... still fun to see.  :)

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