Monday, May 6, 2013

Ecuador Week 5

We had the plan on Friday morning for 4 baptisms this weekend. Friday morning one fell through cause he doesn't want to listen anymore. His brothers was to be that night but they were an hour late and we didn't have a member of the bishopric there. So we pushed it to Sunday night with the other 2. But Sunday morning the other two didn't show up to church and so they couldn't be baptized cause they don't have the attendance And then elder mayta said its better if we can do the other on Saturday. So 4 to 0.
Getting people to come to church is impossible. They will be excited and we will make sure they are awake and they will say they will be there in 5 minutes and nothing. We had 22 people we tried to get to church. 1 showed. So baptismal dates fall through like crazy.
We had an intercambio this week with Elder Jacobsen. I really liked it cause i had an opportunity to talk all day. Overall, I feel intercambios are the best days of the week no matter what. The problem was he got transferred the next morning. and we were at my apartment. So we had to get up at 5 so he could go to his apartment and pack in time to get to Guayaquil We also stayed up late so he could try ad get info from the ZLs. I was super tired the next day. Did not help my patience problem right now.
I have had a few good spots this week. I had 4 people guess that i was 20 years old. So i guess i'm loosing the baby-face a bit. I also am understanding pretty much everything that is being sad as long as i can focus. So the language is not as much of a problem in the lessons. I cant hold a normal conversation though. But i guess that is on its way.
My new favorite scripture is Alma 26:27

Elder Moore

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